Life and Burnout Coaching
We all need some time for ourselves. Do you have some hours and wish to talk about your problems, or you want to make a day off and arrange your thoughts? Possibly you want to find clarity and happiness during a short holiday?

Walk&Talk hours in Limburg
One or more hours walk and talk, while you may release stress by telling what you wish to tell. Scheduled on personal demand, please contact me for further information.

Walk&Talk day in Limburg
You are at a crossroad in your work or life.
You feel it's time for the next step, choice or breakthrough.
You dare to look at a deeper layer.
You want to understand what happens inside you and learn how to handle it

3 days off-grid retreat in France
For women who no longer want to run,but create space in her own life.Women who want to look at themselves with compassion.Want to learn to deal with yourself in a milder and kinder way.For women who long for inner peace and a better life
More about our retreats
Some hours walk&talk, or even a full day walk in Limburg
For who is it recommended?
For men and women who are dedicated to work on themselves for some hours or a day and let a forest walk during coaching.
Because they you longer want to run away or keep going.
If you have done personal coaching before, either with me or elsewhere.
If you know that personal growth never ends.
If you are at crossroads in your work or life.
If you feel it's time for the next step, choice or breakthrough.
If you dare to look at a deeper layer.
You want to understand what happens inside you and learn how to handle it
You want to develop personally
​Walk and talk is possible in 1,5 or 2 hour long individual sessions as well
80 euro/hour
​What can you expect for a whole day program:
Online, free introductory meeting of 30 minutes in advance
Together we plan a day from 10 am to 3 pm in nature
Individual Coaching and walk in the forests in the 3 Border Region
Lunch together
Evaluation online after 3 weeks
390 euro

Long weekend/ 3 days retreat in France
For who is it recommended?
For women who no longer want to run,
but create space in her own life.
Women who want to look at themselves with compassion.
Want to learn to handle yourself a softer and kinder way.
For women who long for inner peace and a better life.
What can you expect:
A nice peaceful weekend in a beautiful location in nature
Deepening your thoughts during the individual sessions.
With free time and sensation of natural peace, outside and inside.
Silence is flow, constant movement. You learn to sense it more.
You are surrounded by an atmosphere of warmth, love and connection.
The varied offer consists of:
Massage and reflexology training
Sharing circles
Healing meditations
Daily yoga classes
Creative working methods
Forest bathing
The goal of the weekend:
The weekend is aimed at growing in consciousness.
You are invited to be fully engaged with yourself.
We have individual sessions and you may just enjoy silence if you wish.
That also heals and nurtures self love.
Afterwards you have restored the connection with yourself.
And also important:
This retreat is off grid, well focused and individual.
That's the power of it.
We create a safe place,
where you can be yourself and enjoy reconnecting to earth, wind, sun and beautiful nature.
Day 1:
your arrival until 2 pm
4 pm to 6 pm individual coaching
7 pm massage training
8 pm yoga
Day 2:
8 am yoga
10 am to 12 pm walk and talk in the forest
cooking and lunch together
4 pm to 6 pm individual coaching
7 pm to 8 pm reflexology training
Day 3:
8 am yoga
9 am to 11 am evaluation and mental takeaway
Evaluation interview after 3-5 weeks - online session
Retreat location:
France, dept 36, about 700 km - 6,5 hours drive from Maastricht
Your nest in the Nature:
You may come with your own camper or a tent if you wish.
There is a camper which is available for rent on the spot, please ask for availability. This is an off-grid nature reserve with a 3 lakes and hundred year old trees. There is no wifi but mobile networks work well, in case of need. This is ideal place to reconnect with nature and yourself, with all amenities to just BE and enjoy being.
Price of this program:
Euro 880,-
The costs of camper rent, travel, insurance, lunch, dinner and snacks are not included, ideally we ask you to bring your favourite fruits and vegetables and take your time to cook with us healthy whole meals, we are happy to help you!
Cooking is a way of retreat in itself.